When it comes to hair and makeup I love to see people feel confident in their own skin. Nothing beats handing the mirror and seeing the smile on their face.
I'm an artist that loves to bring out people's natural features. As you'll see in my gallery, people are still themselves and that is common feedback that I hear. People feel confident as they walk away because let's be honest, confidence comes from within so when people feel like themselves, only better, my job feels done. People can hold their chin up high and their shoulders back and think....heck yeh! I feel fabulous.
So whether you are the one getting married or are a guest, you're going to a school formal or reunion, a party or you are about to stand in front of the lens, I will create a look as unique as you are. I pride myself to being open to feedback and making sure everything is just as you imagined. I get as much joy out of creating your look as you do looking in the mirror.

Work history
Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with people of all backgrounds, ages and ethnicities and each person gives me the challenge and oppotunity to do what I love. I feel fortunate to have worked on so many productions and with people I've admired on our television screens and in magazines for years.
My portfolio includes many jobs like:​
Big Brother
Celebrity Survivor
New Idea Magazine
X Factor
Channel 7, 9 & 10
V8 supercars
FOX sport
State of Origin
Womans Day
A Current Affair
Studio 10
60 Minutes
Millionaire Hot Seat
TV Week Gold Logies
Stafford Brothers
Guy Sebastian
Sophie Monk
Sonia Kruger
Peter Andre ​
Maggie Beer
Emma Freedman
Sofie Formica
Ronan Keating
Ariarne Titmus
Kay McGrath
Laura Geitz
Lizzie Jelfs
Kimberly Busteed
Sally Pearson
Talitha Cummins
Dawn Fraser​
Wally Lewis
Liz Ellis
As well as many on-air talent including but not limited to:
April Rose
Denise Drysdale
Niav Owens
Emily Seebohm
Charli Robinson
Erin Molan
Tracey Wickham
Sharyn Ghidella
Julia Morris
Robin Bailey
Jodi Gordon
Tara Rushton

ten things
about me
When I don't have a brush in my hand you'll find me
Creating something, whether that is around the house, on the computer or a new craft project, I'm happiest when I'm in creative mode.
Going on adventures with my husband Michael which almost always includes our 4 legged furbaby. We'll seek out day trips and even family holidays where he can come with us.
Going for a run. I'm no marathon runner by any stretch of imagination however I find a sence of achievement when completing a run. It's super addictive.
Traveling just about anywhere! Although not doing quite enough of this these days, there is nothing more thrilling than sitting at the airport with a champagne in hand in anticipation of the adventure ahead.
Belting out some Dutch tunes when having to do any chores like cleaning or unpacking groceries! Always better with some very loud Dutch pub music to distract from the task at hand! It makes me feel happy as it reminds me of home.
Getting stuck into a good Netflix series with Mick. Always open to suggestions so hit me up! At the moment loving Lincoln Lawyer.
Chasing sunsets and waiting in anticipation for the perfect sunrises just about anywhere in the world. I will always pick the spot to enjoy either one. So much so that we planned our wedding on the beach at sunrise at 5.30 am to catch the days first rays as we said 'I do'. Would highly recommend it accept for the part where you need to start getting ready at 3am!
Always up for an impromptu photo opportunity. I love looking at life through the lens and capturing special moments. I am the queen of self timer photos and capturing the perfect mid-air action shot. I dread the message...storage almost full! I have thousands of photos and still don't have near enough!
Facilitating a love affair between our furbaby and his girl next door. They're both red cattle dogs and similar in age. They love to play together and exclude all other dogs from the hood. After all two is company, three is a crowd. (They're a very cute pair even though she bosses him around).
Studying interior design. I love all things renovating and styling a home. A lifelong dream would be to flip houses. I love nothing more than walking into an old place and literally get excited about all the potential I see when all others see is a dump....I secretly think I should audition for the Block!

I dance to the beat of my own drum

I'm always on the hunt for a good photo opportunity

I love chasing sunsets